Tuesday 18th February
Glider Pilot Network   PilotLog Online Logbook

Forbes Insurance

Stein Financial Pilot Insurance


The aim of the FAQ is to rectify the most common problems users come across using gliderpilot.net. Please search here for the answer to your query before contacting gliderpilot.net.

Top 5 most viewed questions

I've forgotten my password?

I am receiving a lot of UCE/UBE/junk/spam email through my gliderpilot.net / glidingclub.co.uk etc. address. Help!

Why am I receiving offers from Nigeria to buy my glider?

What has changed on the updated version of gliderpilot.net?

Why does my posting not appear straight away on rec.aviation.soaring?

Please enter a keyword or phrase to search for (e.g lost password, photos)

What has changed on the updated version of gliderpilot.net?

The Glider Pilot Network has undergone a complete revamp (May 2008) and the way some things work have changed.

Discussion groups

- de.rec.luftfahrt has been removed due to lack of traffic/interest
- Only the group indexes are viewable to non-registered users. You must be registered and logged on to view individual messages.
- The archives are now combined into the main groups. u.r.a.s and u.r.a.s.b go back to the very start. r.a.s is archived to July 2003 although there are some small "holes" in the data where the news server has lost the articles.

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